You are invited to participate in a study which will involve completing several on-line questionnaires, via the Web. The measures include various tasks and surveys

Candace Andrews & Dr. James C. Kaufman

California State University, San Bernardino

February 23rd 2006 - April 23rd 2006

archived 🗄

Discover more about yourself. With this survey you will get to know more about the character of your longings or desires and their connection to

Maja Wiest

Max-Planck-Institute for Human Development, Berlin

February 16th 2006 - April 16th 2006

archived 🗄

Finden Sie mehr über sich selbst heraus. Mit diesem Test erfahren Sie mehr über den Charakter Ihrer Sehnsüchte und deren Zusammenhang mit Ihrem emotionalen Erleben.

Maja Wiest

Max-Planck-Institut für Bildungsforschung, Berlin

February 13th 2006 - March 22nd 2006

archived 🗄

Given what we know about prototypical thinking, people may define creativeness differently and a common way to explore the pattern of lay person's perception of

Melanie L. Bromley & James C. Kaufman

Department of Psychology, California State University, San Bernardino

January 31st 2006 - March 31st 2006

archived 🗄

Do people choose brands primarily because they match their own personality? This interesting, easy to complete experiment taking about 10 minutes tries to explore how

Michael Bosnjak

University of Mannheim, Germany

December 22nd 2005 - February 22nd 2006

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Investigates how people describe their lifestyles and the way it influences their decision making.

Martin Bruder

University of Cardiff, UK

November 30th 2005 - January 30th 2005

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This study looks at divergent thinking patterns and personality characteristics.

Melanie L. Bromley & James C. Kaufman

California State University, San Bernardino

November 20th 2005 - January 20th 2006

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Dieser Fragebogen untersucht, inwieweit Sie persönlich an eine Reihe von Verschwörungstheorien glauben. Am Ende des Fragebogens werden Sie die Möglichkeit haben, Ihren persönlichen Durchschnittswert zu

Martin Bruder

Universität Cambridge

September 6th 2005 - March 6th 2006

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The purpose of this study is to explore the types of preventative health and household safety behaviours people engage in. Survey time 20-30 mins. Every

Fuschia M. Sirois

University of Windsor

July 30th 2005 - September 30th 2005

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Bei der folgenden Onlinebefragung sollen Sie Aussagen zu Ihrem Selbstbild bewerten. Die Befragung läuft bis zum 1. Juli.

Frederik Funke & Ulf-Dietrich Reips

Universität Zürich

June 8th 2005 - July 1st 2005

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